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You are here for a reason!

Every person should get the opportunity to explore the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and decide for themselves if He really is the way, the truth and the life that He claims He is.

People who are curiously searching are people who have that nagging, gut feeling that God exists, that He is good and that He wants some kind of personal connection with us. Yet, there is also some doubt and wonder and you need some more information.

Here are 9 possible next steps that can help you find the answers you are looking for.


Christianity Explored

A 7 week, video based course on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Mark.
It addresses the questions: Who is Jesus? Why did He come? What does that mean for us?


The Big Story

Watch the video on YouTube

It is a brief overview of the Christian/Biblical view of the world: where and why we are and what God is offering to help us


Read the Bible

Check out to view a simple Bible reading study guide with 28 sections of the Bible selected to help you discover God, His story and purpose


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Classic author C.S.Lewis makes logical arguments for the reasonableness of God and Christianity


The God Questions

The God Questions Gift Edition can be quickly read by those seeking answers to spiritual questions.
Is God Real?
Is the Bible True?
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?
How Can a Good God Allow Suffering?


The Case for Christ

A movie about a reporter who aims to prove that the Bible is a myth. He makes some interesting discoveries in his research.


Ask God

Identify some need you have or question you are wrestling with. Commit to praying about that for the next 30 days.
Ask a friend to join you. Pray also for each other.


Getting Back to God

Do you believe God exists but struggle to connect with him? Do you feel like you’ve forgotten a God you used to know? Or do you feel that God has forgotten you?
Start right where you are and take the first step in finding your way back to God


Meeting God in the Flesh

What Speechless Lawyers, Kneeling Soldiers, and Shocked Crowds Teach Us About Jesus. 8 discussions for the curious and the skeptical

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